Porsche 928 Electrics

Electrical information & supplies for late model 928s

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LED Bulbs
Central Electric Parts

Electrical Supplies: (Specific to your 928)

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Our goal is to offer replacement 928 electrical parts that may be typically hard to locate, the benefits of buying from us are one stop shopping and a guarantee that these items will work as advertised on your 928. You may find cheaper - but you'll have to take a risk on the fit... we also offer the quantities you'll need (even just 1 or 2 items) at a reasonable price, including even individual sub-component replacement used parts not even available from Porsche.

Benefit from our knowledge of parts that fit your 928, also note that some of our manufactured parts e.g. headlight relay kits are custom sized to perfectly fit in your 928.

These supplies include

  •  Replacement parts for the CE panel including modules, terminals & component parts.
  •  Replacement & add on relays as well as relay sockets for general 928 projects.
  •  Replacement bulb sockets for various 928 fittings: Headlights, rear lighting cluster, side markers etc.
  •  Wiring supplies including heat shrink tube, end terminals etc to fit 928 plugs/sockets etc
  •  Fuse kits with all the required Porsche values (and with no unneeded values!)

  •  Bulb replacements of the correct type & size for your 928 (including dashboard bulbs/kits)
  •  LED bulb replacement bulbs sized to fit your 928 as alternates to incandescent bulbs
  •  Kits of parts for some of the most popular projects in the 928-Electrics document

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Copyright (c): Alan Moore 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009       Page Updated: 04/03/2009